Friday, March 13, 2009

Artificial Intelligence Programming

Artificial Intelligence Programming or AI programming is very essential to solve AI problems. One of such programing language is PROLOG. Basically the system works as follows. The user submits a description of her problem written in prolog language. The prolog interpreter then applies logical reasoning to find answers for the problem.
The first Prolog System was introduced in 1973, by Alain Colmerauer.
Prolog is a programming language for symbolic, non-numeric computation. It is used to solve the problems that consists of objects and relations between objects.

Example of prolog,


Here parent is the name of relation.
The contents inside the bracket are argument, here it is tomy and sweet.

The questoin can be given to prolog as,

?- parent (tomy,sweet).
yes //output
?- parent(tomy,tom).
no //output

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